Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Budget Sensibly

Last night I sat down with my future hubby and his parents to discuss the budget. They had come together to write down all the costs and where money is being divided. Let's just say the number that was down there was so far out of my price range that my immediate reaction was to just start laughing. So I did and I couldn't stop. And I kept thinking this isn't right. Wrong. We went back through adjusting things and it wasn't that far off. We only got it down by $500. That's when I started crying.

I'm a very realistic person. Even growing up I knew my parents didn't have a secret wedding bank account. I knew that I would have to pay for this. I think that's why I didn't want to get married until I was at least 28 because in my head I would be making money at 28 and could pay for a wedding. I can't pay for this wedding. Correction. I can't pay for this reception.

So I'm freaking out trying to figure out how to do this without taking out a car loan...

1 comment:

Bethany said...

blazer--everything will be OK! BTW i changed the address of my blog because now it is a mommy blog...