Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chasing my own tail

I feel like this:

I hope I don't end up like this:

Yesterday, I felt like I was just trying to catch up with myself.  Today I feel so far behind and my to-do list just keeps growing.  Along with that is school and getting an email from my professor saying, "I'm guessing this paper was written quickly."  It was because I didn't think it was due till this Sunday and it was due last Sunday.  I received an email from her yesterday asking for the paper so I typed it out and hit submit.  Apparently that's not acceptable and I have to make some adjustments. *sigh*

I'm hosting bookclub tonight.  If I don't get my act together everyone will be sitting in my dirty house and helping me fold laundry instead of eating and discussing the book.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Have you ever had one thing that consumed your every thought?

That happened to me yesterday. Every thought I had was around pop and how much I wish I could taste its deliciousness.

I gave up pop. I don't know why. It’s definitely not a health kick since I’m consuming more calories now than I did drinking pop. For some unknown reason, I just decided yesterday that instead of grabbing my normal diet Dr. Pepper that I would go for juice. I gave up pop cold turkey.

I swear I was crack addict coming down from a high. I had a huge headache that wouldn’t go away and I couldn’t stop thinking about my believed DP. Last night my temperature dropped way down and I was freezing in my warm house. It was sad people, sad. I snapped at my husband for every little thing that he did or didn’t do. Sorry babe!

I’m back to being sane. I don’t have a headache today. I haven’t craved for a pop yet either. I think I’m just glad I survived. I’m restarting the couch to 5K tonight. So hopefully I’ll still be able to reach my goal of running a 5K in March.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Random Post

What the hell is wrong with Facebook? I guess I'm not cool enough for the inside joke of blah blah blah because that's how I roll. Or misspelling tomorrow. Seriously people! That word reuses the same vowel, I promise. Rant over.

I've been having writer's block in almost every aspect of my life. Even my facebook statuses have been haulted by the block.  I've had ideas for posts and I can't seem to conceptualize them. I blame grad school, work, and Pat Robertson.

This week I worked like crazy, tried to stay on top of my school work and pretended to workout. My pretend workout consisted of walking at a local park but it was so muddy from all the snow that my workout partner and I just went for beers. I think I mentally benefited from the talk more than the walk. However, my couch to 5K challenge has resulted in more couch activity than anything else. I need to get back into that groove, especially since people keep reminding me that I’m running a 5K in March. Sometimes I need to learn to not tell people my goals.

I’ll leave you with a typical conversation of introducing myself to someone.

Me: “Hi. I’m Blaze, it’s nice to meet you.”
Someone: “Blaze huh? Were you born in a blaze of glory?”
Me: trying not to roll my eyes “No, but why don’t you tell me why you’ve applied for a position at this company?”

Friday, January 8, 2010

Grad School + Blaze =

I'm overwhelmed.  As you may know, I'm taking two graduate courses this semester.  I seriously feel like the dumbest person to enter grad school.  All we had to do day 1 was post a bio about ourselves.  I posted the damn thing in the wrong spot. And of course, once you post you can't take it away.  When I finally figured out where all my assignments are located, it appears that my entire class has already fulfilled the assignment.  How is that possible??  It's day one! Aren't we supposed to just get used to being in class?  I seriously didn't think being out of school for *gasp* 7 years would make a difference, but I think it has.

In other news, I no longer have a life, so I'm sure my posts will be boring.  I understand if you no longer want to read.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Things I've already learned in 2010:
  • Toasti Toes do not actually work on your feet, but are excellent thigh warmers.
  • I will not die at a freezing cold football as long as I have long johns, jeans, two pair of socks, two tank tops, long sleeve shirt, two sweatshirts, two gloves, two hats, thermal back warmer, Toasti Toes.
  • I will however, still be cold, but not dead.
  • Memphis Domino's will give you free pizza without you complaining, if the box looks smashed.
  • I love my snow boots that I bought in Houston.  So much so this is the first day in a week that I haven't worn them. I'll probably put them on after work.
  • I'm horrible at chess
  • I'm descent at scrabble.
  • I start school today.  I'm nervous and excited and I already feel behind.
Happy 2010!  Oh and what is everyone calling the year?  I've been saying twenty-ten, but have heard oh ten, aught ten, and two thousand and ten.