Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Things I've already learned in 2010:
  • Toasti Toes do not actually work on your feet, but are excellent thigh warmers.
  • I will not die at a freezing cold football as long as I have long johns, jeans, two pair of socks, two tank tops, long sleeve shirt, two sweatshirts, two gloves, two hats, thermal back warmer, Toasti Toes.
  • I will however, still be cold, but not dead.
  • Memphis Domino's will give you free pizza without you complaining, if the box looks smashed.
  • I love my snow boots that I bought in Houston.  So much so this is the first day in a week that I haven't worn them. I'll probably put them on after work.
  • I'm horrible at chess
  • I'm descent at scrabble.
  • I start school today.  I'm nervous and excited and I already feel behind.
Happy 2010!  Oh and what is everyone calling the year?  I've been saying twenty-ten, but have heard oh ten, aught ten, and two thousand and ten.

1 comment:

katandkarl said...

twenty-ten for sure. Erm, that's what i am saying.